Thursday, 17 January 2019

Enjoying life through the eyes of a child.

The path was glistening with lovely light 'snow'.
This morning as the children arrived for class it began to snow, very light snow like icing sugar but snow nonetheless. The children were so excited and rushed to get on their wet gear, or as they called it today 'snow gear' and had so much fun exploring the playground with this new dusting of snow on it. There was much celebration of there being so much ice in the mud kitchen and the had fun zipping down the icy slide. 
They experimented with pouring water on the snow and seeing what happened, lots of cries of 'It's disappeared', 'Did it melt?' etc. could be heard. 

When everyone was all dressed we head up to visit Bear Woods to see if there was snow up there too, the children were amazed to that they could still see the white line where they stop on the path under the snow.
There was a little patch of snow up in Bear Woods and they had fun climbing on the big log, rolling down the hill, hunting for sleeping bears and avoiding wicked stepmothers. The children were amazed that their little hiding places were so visible now that all the leaves have fallen off the trees. 
Bear Woods looks very bare at the moment but the class still love being up there. 
It was truly wonderful to see the joy of light snow in their faces and it reminded me once again, what a privilege it is to work with young children and experience the everyday as magical. 
And it was even better as they had made some paper snowmen the day before.